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Michelle Hollingshead

Michelle Hollingshead Headshot

Michelle specializes in transformational change.

She is an entrepreneur, author, and International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach. She is the founder of Imprint, a coaching and consulting company and is part of a global community committed to developing conscious leaders and organizations. She has worked with Fortune 500 companies, privately held companies, and nonprofit organizations. As an expert in integral leadership development and corporate culture transformation, she works with diverse backgrounds to co-create community and realize potential. Michelle holds a Master of Education from Lesley University and has extensive training in yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and various diagnostic tools.  

She is a proud mother of two and lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband, Dan.

Dear Reader,

I believe, worldwide,  we are currently in a collective crisis for meaning. 

We’re experiencing anxiety, loneliness, overwhelm, and disconnect more than ever before for a multitude of reasons. We’re asking ourselves: What really matters? How is my life significant? Where do I belong? 

Despite external accolades, many, myself included, lose a sense of aliveness, joy and purpose.

After several disorienting life events, I began looking for frameworks to expand the definition of success, and have been exploring what a meaningful life looks and feels like in modern society. My findings helped me to heal from my excommunication from the Mormon Church in my twenties and my brother’s death shortly after the  9/11 attacks.  

It is my hope that this book finds you at the right moment. Whether you are facing a challenge much greater than you believe you can navigate, or are experiencing grief, exhaustion, or simply questioning life’s purpose, I hope Meaning Indicator reminds you to keep going and that the stories within, both mine and others’, inspire your heart and soul.

meaning indicator

“This timely and compelling book is a must-read for anyone seeking to leave a meaningful imprint on our world. Full of wise counsel, meaningful reflection exercises, and stories of real people, including the author, Meaning Indicator will guide your journey and inspire your heart and soul.”


Harvard Graduate School of Education, author of Immunity to Change and An Everyone Culture

Available Now

Meaning Indicator

Finding Significance through Challenge, Work and Love

Michelle establishes why we need a new way of thinking about meaning and why we need it now. By introducing four dimensions of meaning – Comprehension, Purpose, Significance, and Belonging – this book will help its readers explore how to experience meaning through Challenge, Work, and Love, with practical exercises and stories.


Michelle founded Imprint in 2009 with the mission of helping individuals and organizations leave a meaningful imprint on our world.

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